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Griller's Dream

Griller's Dream

 Ground beef10lbs
 Ribeye steaks512 oz
 T-bone steaks524 oz
 Pork chops5lbs
 Boneless skinless Chicken Breast5lbs
 Ground Bison5lbs

Take your grilling to the next level with the Griller's Dream Pack in Winnipeg, Manitoba! Includes 10 lbs of ground beef, 5 ribeye steaks (12 oz), 5 T-bone steaks (24 oz), 5 lbs of pork chops, 5 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast, and 5 lbs of ground bison. Perfect for BBQ enthusiasts—order today!


Price Options
One-time purchase
Every Week
C$501.00every week until canceled
Every 2 weeks
C$501.00every 2 weeks until canceled
Every Month
C$501.00every month until canceled
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